Monday, March 12, 2012

Mysterious Egypt

Giza, Egypt- How did they build the Great Pyramid of Khafre?  This architectural marvel is just one of the amazing structures that the ancient Egyptians built over 3000 years ago.  This pyramid, which I was able to go inside to the Kings Chamber, is so tall that if one stood on the pinnacle, and threw a baseball, the ball would not clear the base of the structure.  There are several theories as to how the pyramids of Giza (built for the pharohs Khufu, Khafre, Menchare) were built but I cannot believe that aliens or slaves were involved.  As anyone who does any study of ancient Egyptian culture know, the people of Egypt revered their pharoh and would do anything to help him travel thru the Underworld.  Great insight, inginuity, and human hands built the pyramids which still stand today as a testament to the power of ancient Egypt. 

Giza, Egypt- Who was the Sphynx built for and for what purpose?  Is it the guardian for the pyramids, was it to guard the ancient harbor, we will never know.  The head of a man with the headpiece of a pharoah, and the body of a lion- what does it stand for?  Another unexplained phenomenal architectural structure that the ancient Egyptians created. 

Aswan, Egypt- The temple complex of Abu Simbel.  This is one structure of ancient Egypt that the purpose of building it is known.  Built by pharoh Rameses II in what was known at the time as Upper Egypt (remember Egypt is backwards and Upper Egypt is in the south and the Nile River flows south to north) to show Egyptian dominance to Nubia.  The temple on the left is for Rameses II and the temple on the right is for his favorite wife, Nefertari, and is built directly into the cliff.  With the construction of the Aswan Dam and the subsequent filling of Lake Nasser the original location of Abu Simbel is now under water- so to save such a national treasure the Egyptian government re-located the temple complex by moving every piece just as it was (fallen head and all) up and back. 

Ancient Egypt, land of sun, sand, and human inginuity.  I am in total amazement of what these people did to protect their dead in the afterlife and to show their dominance to the outside world- leaving behind a land of mysteries that are still being uncovered and explored.

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