Monday, December 12, 2011

Photos of Amazing Switzerland

The Magnificent Matterhorn.  Freezing cold temperatures, the ground wet with freshly fallen snow (there was a blizzard 30 minutes before we took the cog wheel train to the summit) but none of that is noticed when you turn around and gaze at this iconic symbol of Switzerland.  (Yes, this is also the inspiration for Toblerone candy.)  Eventhough the Matterhorn is not the highest point of this mountain chain, it looks to be because of the lower lying mountains surrounding it.   Standing across from the Matterhorn, trying to imagine what went thru the minds of the original explorers who took on the task of trying to climb this treacherous peak.  Which way to go?  Am I ready to die to climb this peak?  Do I go up the cliff side or the glacier side?  These are the questions that run thru your mind as you are standing at the top of the observation point surrounded by a glacier and some of the most breathtakingly beautiful scenery in the world.   A photo just does not do it justice.

The Swiss countryside.  The best milk producing cows in the world for chocolate- the Swiss Browns- spend their time roming the countryside, climbing the mountains in search of the best grazing fields.  A picturesque countryside- quiet, relaxing.  The only sounds that you hear are the melodic bells of the cows echoing down from the hillside where they spend their lazy summer days. 

The sunlight filtering thru the clouds, creating patches of light and shadow, highlighting the beautiful expanse of Swiss landscapes that create some of the most beautiful, calming sights I have ever seen that just beg to be photographed.