Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unique Rocks of Switzerland

What cataclysmic event occured to cause these unique rocks?  I just had to take photos of these rocks.  And the most interesting thing is that the colored vein is of a totally different make-up than the main part which leads one to wonder what happened millions of years ago during the formation of this area.

These two photos are different since there is really only one colored vein, albeit different colors, running thru the rocks.  What caused the different colors to occur?  What caused the almost perfectly straight line?  Nature is totally amazing and so full of answers that we will never know.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stave Churches of Norway

The Stave Churches of Norway are beautiful pieces of architecture- and also becoming very rare.  The construction of these churches is most unique.  The corners of the buildings are solid poles and the walls are slats which are held together by the poles.  It is a true honor to photograph these structures  which have stood the test of time by the most simple of measures. 
The most uniqes aspect of these churches is their architecture which makes them most interesting to photograph.  The stave churches are similar in structure but also very different as is evident in these photos.  Some have high peaks, some are more simple, some are small while others are large, and some are elaborate with arched walls but they all have the common thread of being built for one purpose- religious beliefs.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Going Behind the Waterfall

What is more breathtaking than a photo of a towering waterfall?  Going behind that waterfall- of course.  Photos of this waterfall in Iceland show how amazingly powerful nature can actually be.  The roar of the waterfall, the power of the spray, and the unique perspective of seeing a waterfall from behind cannot truely be captured in a photo- but it does serve well as a reminder of how spectacular nature can be. One also remembers how precariously perching on a slippery narrow ledge, without any railings, can be just to get some amazing photos- or how much fun it was.