Monday, June 20, 2011

Photos of Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

Mexico is a country that is just teeming with photo possibilities and the temple of Chichen Itza is one of the most recognizable images of Mexico.  It is a picture perfect structure that has stood the test of time.  There are many other photo ops in Mexico that it is hard to choose- so why pick just one? 
Move from the jungle where temples pop up out of nowhere and you arrive at the coastline area where pristine beaches just beg for a photo.  This photo is at Tulum, just below the main temple.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Photos of the Temple of Apolo, Greece

Have you ever explored Greece in the rain???  These photos of the Temple of Apolo show that beauty can come in any light.  From the misty skies to the patches of sun, weather can create a whole new experience in photos.  Some of my most favorite photos to take are of ruins, especially those that have such a historical and mythological past.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beautiful Sunset

What is more relaxing than a beautiful sunset?  And a sunset on the water is even more beautiful.  The color palate of golds, reds, pinks, and purples- the reflections in the water- are truly a sight to behold.  And it is especially amazing that the colors change so quickly (this sunset changed colors in about 15 minutes).

Autumn in New England

Autumn in New England is a beautiful site to behold.  The crisp air, the rainbow of colors, and the beautiful scenery are truly unique.  When wondering around New England, there is a sense of calm, a chance to relax.  Feeling the history of the area coming thru and speaking to you, you begin to wonder what the area was like in the early stages of our nation.